current location: Sydney, Australia

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What-the-hell-am-I-doing moments

I got a call today from my contact in Australia to say that he's found me a spot on a harvest crew. I've still got to pass my interview at the US consulate but, assuming that this goes off OK, I'll be looking at a mid-May departure.

I've constructed this adventure in my head for months and I've taken steps to make it happen, but, because it is so far removed from anything that I've experienced before, there's been a part of me that has doubted that it could actually eventuate.

But it's exactly this - the off-the-wall nature of this trip, full to the brim with unknowns - that makes me know that it is exactly what I need at this time. For a long time I think I've been addicted to the familiarity and safety of routine, ignoring a yearning to discover things and people that are different.

Clearly, at this stage of the trip, I'm running on a lot of romantic notions. I'm sure these will quickly dissipate when I touch down. But I can't wait for the challenge. Such challenges make for good stories. Hence the blog. Make sure you keep posted!

1 comment:

Trishymouse said...

I admire you SO much for taking the big step to make this journey happen in the first place. Most of us get way too comfortable with the known, security and all that. You're a real inspiration!