current location: Sydney, Australia

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The trip up to Archerwill Saskatchewan was fairly smooth after crossing into Canada. We'll be cutting just over 5,000 acres of wheat, canola and peas for our farmer up here which will take us through to early October when we need to be back in Faulkton (SD) for Fall harvest.

We're camped at Marean Lake Resort about 20km North-East of Archerwill. It's a beautiful location. Our campsite is near the lake's edge, set amongst private houses and cabins.

It's really starting to cool off. The mercury has dropped below ten degrees the last couple of days. Apparently there will be three feet of ice on top of the lake once it freezes. The smell of log and coal fires at night is fantastic.

We're finding it hard to get started. As is the trend this season, all of the crops are ripening a lot later than usual. We're battling the weather as well. A dump of rain yesterday has put us out of action for a couple of days. Brian has given us a day or two off to come to Saskatoon, about a two and a half hours drive East.

My only complaint about where we're staying is that there is no internet access or phone reception! Loyal readers may have to be a bit patient waiting for updates on the blog. I've taken this opportunity to use the motel's internet in Saskatoon to rush a few posts.

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