current location: Sydney, Australia

Friday, July 4, 2008

pimped-up pic of my truck

Obviously the same storm as the wide shot below. This storm came through late in the afternoon and hung over us but never dropped any rain which we were bummed about because it would have meant some time off - we can't cut when the wheat is wet.

I realise I've got a lot of pics of my truck up, but it's the centre of my world at the moment, and I kind of like that. I spend up to 15 hours a day in it. We meet at about 7 in the morning and I give it a once over. Once we start cutting, I'll park in or beside the field and load up with grain whenever the combines get full. I then take it to the designated elevator which can be around the block or, in the case of Haswell, 20 miles away. When the five combines are running in the same place, our four trucks will quite easily be constantly moving, especially if the elevator is a bit of a drive away.

There are times, however, when the grain does not accumulate as quickly. At these times I'll park-up and hang out. I've got a sleeper at the back of the cab (bigger than the bed in our camper!) which I'll have a snooze in, lot's of food and plenty of reading material. I have to pinch myself sometimes when I ponder about my surrounds.

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