current location: Sydney, Australia

Friday, July 25, 2008

Stock Auction in Gordon Nebraska

I'm in Gordon Nebraska at the moment, a small town of 1800 people in the state's North West. The main crew has traveled North into South Dakota with three combines. Ron, Turkey and I have been left here with two combines and will cut 300 acres of wheat as soon as it ripens - it's taking a long time to do so. We've had the last two days off and we'll have at least another two.

To fill time, we went to the local stock auction yesterday. It's held every Tuesday. Ron took this video. It's amazing to listen the auctioneer. The three buyers present would indicate their bids (in either 25 or 50 cent increments) with tiny finger movements which the auctioneer would pick up from his booth above the pen, about ten metres away.

Also of note is the little steel barrier underneath the auctioneer's booth. Ron called these the "Jesus Posts" because it's the only refuge for the stock handler if an animal charges.

In the case of this old bull, they weren't really necessary. Compared to some of the others that came through, he was incredibly docile. The handler had enough trouble getting it to leave the pen at the end of the auction.

Ron talked to the buyer after the auction. Sadly, for this old guy, it was the end of the road; he was off to the knackers, probably to be turned into dog food.

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